


  • 公司: 华胜邦国际物流有限公司
  • 地址: 广州白云区西槎路529号同德码头内203室
  • 联系: 范高昂
  • 手机: 18718905513
  • 电话: 020-86485788
  • 一键开店

华胜邦物流公司于1998年6月在香港正式注册营业。同年在广州,深圳,开设分部。2002年10月在深圳正式注册为华胜邦物流有限公司.同年在广东省,东莞,惠州设立分部.公司已经在2006年底基本完成以广州,深圳为核心的珠三角网络覆盖! 公司核心业务:国际海运承运,国际空运承运,中港进出口物流快运服务。其中中港进出口物流快运更是以"专业的中港进出口物流承运商"著称。



The HUA-SHENG-BANG LOGISTICS COMPANY officially registered and put into Operation in Hong-Kong in June 1998. The same year, the Divisions were opened in Guangzhou, Shenzhen. On October 2002 officially registered as HUA-SHENG-BANG Logistics Limited in Shenzhen. In the same year the Guang-Dong-She,Dong-guan,Hui-Zhou branches was set up. The company has basically completed at the end of 2006 in Guangzhou, Shenzhen and the Pearl River Delta as the core network coverage! Core business: the International Maritime Carriers, international air carrier, China and Hong Kong Express import and export logistics services. The China and Hong Kong Express import and export logistics services is known as "The professional import and export logistics carriers"

The company has wonderful locations, which rooted in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region .which is known As one of the global logistics center pools, and the Pearl River Delta region .which is known as one of the global manufacturing center, The convenience locations provide customers the best and most professional in the import and export freight services. The company is the diversified, Modern, regional and integrated logistics business. The company handles the China and Hong Kong import and export business and international freight forwarding business operations in Hong Kong center, the third-party logistics business in Guangzhou center. Ultimate realization of the five most third-party logistics business goals .which are the largest scale , the most accurate, the most resources, the most complete facilities, the best services.

The company provides reasonable service charges, punctual and efficient transport services, high- quality document processing and logistics services. In order to help your company deal with intense competition, change market situation.



  • 主营: 广州中港专线,广州物流,广州货运
  • 地址: 广州白云区西槎路529号同德码头内203室
  • 联系: 范高昂
  • 手机: 18718905513
  • 电话: 020-86485788
  • 传真: 020-86485138
  • 本站共被浏览过 1298 次

